Medical audio clips contain crucial information about a patient's health, and can be used to develop predictive algorithms for detecting heart and lung conditions. Our platform is designed specifically for annotating medical audio, with features like range selection and spectrogram integration.
Please indicate the location, strength, and duration of any heart murmurs, rubs, clicks, S1, S2, and other sounds.
Tag the presence, intensity, and time range of crackles, ronchi, wheezes, stridor, breath sounds, and other respiratory sounds.
Identify the presence, level, and duration of bruits and Korotkoff sounds. Provide a concise paragraph that conveys the same information.
Please indicate the presence, strength, and duration of bowel sounds, rubs, or vascular bruits. Thank you.
In clinical interactions, it is important to pay attention to tag intonation, as it can convey emotion, symptoms, and medication discussions.
XANA accelerates AI development with speedy access to millions of diverse data points. Rooted in quality, it ensures consistent performance, advanced insights, and top-notch privacy across various industries and data types.
Stop annotating data slowly with in-house teams or outsourcing to teams whose quality you can't control.
Access the Centaur Labs network of thousands of medical doctors, professionals, researchers and students for skilled annotation
You define quality. We rigorously measure and manage it.
Incentivize labeler performance with small batch, mobile-first competitions. Labelers are only paid for performance and give 100% of their effort on every case
Proactively understand the nuances of your dataset, so your data works with you, not against you.
Leverage case-level insights to inform model development e.g. precision-recall curves, label distribution, labeler agreement